Monday, March 5, 2012

Star wars reborn destiny , Eternity Vault Cleared

We have been a group , of friends , who game together , for a long time . I was honored that tonight we gathered , and defeated a raid in a one shot .

We have been through story lines , and buggy content , been into crafting circles to outfit alts , and alt circles to help fund crafters . we , as a group , and guild have been through alot , and tried nearly every thing the game has to offer .

So it was my grant honor to stand shoulder to shoulder with you all , in the first of many accomplishments still to come , in , not just Star wars but , overall as a gaming community .

Im glad to see so much loot get handed out , to people that needed it , and even more how amped so many of us were to reach the end of this raid and complete it in one evening .

Most of all im glad i could be a part of this event with you .

Great job Reborn , and thank you for helping me feel as accomplished as i do right now .

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